Recreational code of conduct

Recreational code of conduct


If you have a problem with the way a team is playing or the way a coach’s is coaching or if a team will not concede the field to you at the appropriate time. Please do not take it in your own hands to confront the coach/parents to solve the problem. You can NOT walk onto the field and try and stop the game yourself. (Report the issue to LAFC So Cal Rec so we can take care of it).

Adults confronting each other at a youth sporting event is not appropriate under any circumstances! If you feel yourself losing your temper or you have a parent on your team that is losing it. Please calm them down. Take the high road and then send your complaints or concerns to LAFC So Cal Rec.

LAFC So Cal Rec has a zero tolerance policy for adult confrontation of any kind. Under any circumstance any adult breaking this rule will be immediately removed from the program.

It should go without saying that there should be no adults to child confrontation or communication. If you have a problem with the way a player is playing please tell your coach the issues so that they can relay those issues to us. And we can look into the problem.

Adults that break this rule will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including being expelled from the program

Everybody should be aware that there are many people at the fields recording these games for posterity. Don’t let them catch you in a minute of madness.

LAFC So Cal Rec (the "League") is a California nonprofit corporation. It requires that all parent, coaches, players, family members and guests (collectively "participants") at any game or practice adhere to the rules of the League, our state association, US Club Soccer and the rules of the game as established by FIFA and adopted by US Club Soccer, a portion of which are included below.

The LAFC So Cal Youth Board of Directors, at its discretion, reserves the right to deny participation of any player, parent, coach, team, or organization if the board of directors deems any actions or activities are not in the best interest of the league

The League Bylaws provide: The mission of LAFC So Cal Rec is to implant firmly in the youth of the community the ideals of good sportsmanship, honesty, loyalty, courage, reverence and respect for authority, so that they may be well adjusted, finer, stronger and happier youths and will grow to be good, clean, healthy and trustworthy adults. The primary goal and emphasis of the League is to provide a positive and fun recreational soccer experience with an emphasis on participation and not on winning.

Recreational soccer: Is that soccer program that is primarily devoted to the enjoyment and development of soccer players without the emphasis on travel or high-level competition. The purpose of recreational soccer is to provide an opportunity for the participants to have fun, learn the sport and develop life skills including a lifelong love of the game

Only a team's registered coach(es) may instruct and direct the team, and only from the designated coaching area on the team's side of the field. Participants, except for players in the game, must remain on their designated side throughout the game. Each coach must have at least a Soccer license from LAFC So Cal & US Club Soccer. Complete the Risk Management Programs and Safe sport Training.

Parent/Child commitment - It is usually understood that when a parent signs up their child to play in the League that some level of commitment is then made to the team and the league. three (3) unexcused absences (practice or games) are grounds for dismissal from the team.  With $0 refund. Coaches need to communicate with the league if this is a problem. So that we can reach out to the parent and try and resolve the issue. Before the player is asked to leave the team.

Non-coaches agree to:
(A) Allow only the coaches to instruct the team during the game without interference.
(B) Not instruct or coach the players during the game.
(C) Remain in the spectator area along the sidelines behind the coach and at least three yards off the sidelines.
(D) Not stand or loiter along or near the goals at the ends of the field.
(E) Not criticize or yell at the referees or other participants, or express dissent or displeasure over calls or non-calls in the games.
(F) Not use foul or abusive language.
(G) Offer only positive encouragement to the players or others on the field of play.

"Bad" calls by the referee are a part of youth soccer that usually go both ways and do not detract from the players' experience unless participants set a bad example of voicing dissent to the referee. Continued misconduct in this area may result in the referee either removing the Participant or the coach of the team from the field for the remainder of the game and the entirety of the next game, and subject that person to discipline by the League or US Club Soccer, which have the authority to suspend or remove the offending persons from the League or US Club Soccer sanctioned events.

Coaches may provide direction to their own team on points of strategy and position, provided.
(A) no mechanical or electrical devices are used.
(B) the tone of the voice is informative and not derogatory.
(C) each coach, substitute, or player remains within 15 yards on either side of the midfield line

(D) no coach, substitute, or player makes derogatory remarks or gestures to the referees, other players, substitutes, or spectators;
(E) no coach, substitute, or player uses profanity;
(F) no coach, substitute, or player incites in any manner, disruptive behavior. Coaches are encouraged to emphasize development of soccer skills and self esteem, and to give players an opportunity to play different positions.

Part of each child's emotional growth involves learning to deal with injuries. Many injuries are more emotional than physical, and can become exaggerated if followed by hysterical behavior, including rushing onto the field. Participants shall not enter the field of play until instructed to do so by the referee. Usually only the coach will be allowed on the field. The League's first concern is the player's safety. However, based on many years of experience the League has learned that an injured player's safety is seldom compromised if play is allowed to continue for several seconds until the next regular stoppage in play.

The League has obtained permission for use of school and park facilities, and each Participant agrees to abide by the rules and conditions imposed by these facilities, including but not limited to prohibitions on smoking, alcohol, littering, pets NO DOGS!, cycling, rollerblading, skating and skateboarding, foul and abusive language, and any illegal activity. Participants agree to keep the facilities clean and pick up trash even if deposited by others.

LAFC So Cal Rec Game Cancellation Policy

Every effort is made to play all games during the fall and spring season. The following situations may result in game cancellation.

1. Wet and unsafe field conditions as determined by the league. This does not mean games are canceled simply because it is raining.

2. Determination by an outside party (school district) that the fields are unusable.

3. Extreme heat conditions forecasted to exceed 105 F at the specific field locations. Morning games may be held if the temperature is below that level.

4. Very poor air quality in Woodland Hills area due to fires (AQMD index rating of Unhealthy)

Every season we allocate one make up weekend in case we have cancellations. LAFC So Cal Rec does everything in its power to give teams the appropriate number of weekends. Unfortunately, LAFC So Cal Rec is not responsible for canceled games due to acts of God.

A Code of Conduct for Coaches

As a Soccer Coach, I:
1. agree to abide by the rules/directives of the LAFC So Cal Rec, US Club Soccer, the USYSA, the USSF, and FIFA;

2. agree to dress in a clean and proper manner while coaching, because coaches are an example to their players;

3. agree to hold one team practice each week, to encourage participation in the associations skills development clinic and to be punctual in arriving for practices and games;

4. agree not to leave practices or games until all players have been picked up by a parent, guardian, or other authorized adult;

5. will refrain from teaching unsafe or unsportsmanlike methods to the players;

6. will refrain from teaching demeaning songs, cheers, or chants to the players;

7. will refrain from seeking any advantage beyond that of superior skill, tactics and fitness;

8. understand that official decisions by the referees should be accepted without rancor or anger, no matter how unfair they may seem; I further understand that the use of behavior, verbal or physical, which is intimidating toward the referee is grounds for immediate dismissal as a Coach;

9. will teach the players respect for themselves, the opponent, and the referee;

10. will teach the players sportsmanship and proper on-field conduct;

11. will provide a fun learning environment for the players;

12. will teach progressive improvements in technical proficiency and tactical knowledge while promoting self-esteem equally in all players;

13. will instruct parents in proper behavior at games, including respect for the referee, the opposing
 parents, and both sets of players; I understand that spectator control is my responsibility, and if the referee must take measures to control the game, he/she cannot take them with the parents so he/she will take them with me, as Coach;

14. will encourage safe, competitive, fair play and will reward improvement and effort, regardless of skill, and regardless of the outcome of any game.

15. will ensure that my practice and game fields have been cleared of trash and players belongings before leaving the field.

Winning is desirable, but winning at any cost defeats the purpose of the game. Losing can be a triumph when the team has given its best effort. All our teams should be a positive example for all players and parents. We will show respect to everyone, both on and off the field. It is the duty of the Coaches as leaders of the team, to teach their team these important values.

A Code of Conduct for All Parents

I/We will:
* encourage fair play.
* cheer in a positive manner for all players.
* not criticize the opponents of our team.
* not embarrass my own player(s) by my behavior.
* allow the Coach to do the coaching.
* show respect for the game officials by not openly or otherwise criticizing them or undermining their authority in the eyes of my/our player(s).
* display good sportsmanship as a positive example for my/our player(s).
I/We understand that the Coach and the other parents of this team will hold me/us accountable for my/our actions and behavior




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