LAFC So Cal Youth Borrowing Players

LAFC So Cal Youth Borrowing Players

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I have had some coaches with questions about borrowing players  (The rule on borrowing players is below)
Some of the highlights 
A - You can only borrow a player that is registered to LAFC So Cal Youth  (Obviously if they're not registered to the league they would not be insured)
B - The player must have already played in their official game for that day.
C - Players that play on club teams are absolutely not allowed to play in west valley soccer league (LAFC So Cal or other club teams)

D - You should only borrow players from other teams if you do not have enough players to field a complete team (8 if playing 8 Vs 8) Borrowed players should not take playing time from players registered to your team.

E - Borrowed players should not be coming to your practice. (Players that are not on your team are not insured to practice with you)

You do not need an official uniform for a borrowed player to have them put on a pinny preferably your teams color but not mandatory 

The idea behind these rules is not so you can bring in players from other teams so you can win a game. 

The rule is in place so that if you don't have enough players show-up for your team you can still play. (Usually, the best solution is borrowing the substitutes from the other team until your own player shows up. If they don't show up you would still have a great game of soccer)

Borrowed players must be age appropriate or younger. Coaches who knowingly play a player that is NOT age appropriate (older) will be subject to immediate removal as a coach. Playing an older player in your game not only opens the league to litigation. The coach would also open him or herself up to personal liability for knowingly playing an older player

Under no circumstances are you allowed to play a player not registered to WVSL. Coaches who knowingly play a player not registered to west valley soccer league will be subject to immediate removal as a coach. Playing a non-registered player not only opens the league to litigation. The coach would also open him or herself up to personal liability for knowingly playing a non-registered player. 




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